Cut to the Chase.
Barbers, we see you. Not the crispy fades and clean line-ups, rather the listening ear you lend, the smile you put on the face of everyone that walks through the door and the confidence that they walk out with, the indecorous sarcasm always at the ready, and the untamed, unbroken, and undying authenticity that makes you 1/1.
GRAVITY RAZORS was created to incorporate the barber ideology into physical products that you love to use day in, and day out. Like you, it’s our purpose that keeps us going, and helps us to continue to push boundaries. Through partnering with organizations like Barbers without Borders, that provide opportunity in areas where opportunities are absent, we fulfill that purpose.
Founded in 2018, GRAVITY RAZORS has put hundreds of thousands of razors in the hands of barbers, shaving enthusiasts, tier-1 celebrities, and students alike. We aim to “stay a little rough around the edges,” and provide you with a listening ear for ideas, designs, products, and partnerships. We aim to bring life to a category that is saturated with cheap, boring, devoid of personality, razors. Let’s do this together.
"Love is metaphysical gravity." -R. Buckminster Fuller